Saturday, March 24, 2012

Fashion must have of the day: SHOE WEDGES!

The must have this summer is wedges, and not just any sort of wedges, colored wedges! Like I said before, bold colors and wild patterns!  so go out there and have some bold fun! these shoes can be found at MACYS or DILLARDS, other shoe stores don't have as much choices as these department stores do, make sure to bring your coupons!!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Fashion look of the day: DAY OUT ON TOWN

 The look of the day is : a Day out on the town or just strolling along an outlet mall!

So let first begin with a simple halter top purple dress that hits you at the slightly above the knee, match that up with some sexy bejeweled gladator sandals.
Throw in some awesome accessories like ocean blue raindrop earrings, a bold ring again in ocean blue, and a blue beaded chunky necklace!

 don't ever have a mid-length loud pattern dress with bold and loud jewelry. Its just too much. Go bold with either one, not both! and ladies if you're on the larger size stay away from bold patterns! 

Welcome to the Fashion Journal!

Hey all you fashion lovers! My name is Laura and I made this blog to not only discuss fashion but also to help the everyday woman become fashion experts! Fashion isn't just for super models anymore! Its for the everyday woman, the woman who goes to work and then cooks at night, for the woman who is a housewife, and for the moms out there. So dig those mom jeans and sneakers and get ready for some fashion fun! I'll help you know whats in now!